
0.1 Additional Call Recipient: An additional person or phone line that calls may be transferred to

0.2 Additional DBA: An additional “Doing Business As” name that may receive mail under a single account

0.3 Additional Mail Recipient: An additional principal or employee of a company that may receive mail under the company’s account and pick up mail for the company

0.4 Authorized Member: An additional principal or employee of the Member Company that may use the membership and has been authorized by the Primary Member to make changes to the company’s account, schedule meeting rooms, and use other services that may incur fees

0.5 Member Company: The primary company the membership is for

0.6 Non-authorized Member: An additional principal or employee of the Member Company that may use the membership, but has not been authorized by the Primary Member to make changes to the account, schedule meeting rooms, and use other services that may incur fees

0.7 Primary Member: The primary account holder, able to make any changes to the company’s account and the one ultimately responsible for any service fees incurred as well as any rules or policies violated by any other members (Authorized or Non-authorized) or guests

0.8 Provider: Global Business Centers

General Rules

1.1 Members shall not suffer or permit any obstruction to any common areas, including driveways, walkways, and stairways.

1.2 Global Business Centers reserves the right to refuse access to any person who in good faith judges to be a threat to the safety, reputation, or property of the building and its occupants.

1.3 Members shall not make or permit any noise or odors that annoy or interfere with clients or persons having business within the office building.

1.4 Members shall not bring or keep animals or birds within the office building unless they are a registered service animal.  If a registered service animal will be in the office on a regular basis, it must be confirmed with our staff.

1.5 Members shall not bring bicycles, motorcycles, or other vehicles into areas not authorized for the same.

1.6 Members shall not maintain their premises in an unsightly condition.

1.7 Members shall not make, suffer, or permit litter except in appropriate receptacles for that purpose.

1.8 Members shall not alter any or install new or additional locks or bolts without written permission from management.

1.9 Members shall not deface the walls, partitions, or other surfaces of the premise or office building.

1.10 Members shall not suffer or permit anything in or around the premise or building that causes excessive vibration or floor loading in any part of the office building.

1.11 Global Business Centers reserves the right to close and lock the building on Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, and on any other days between the hours of 5:30 pm and 8:00 am of the following day.

1.12 Members using the premises after hours or on a legal holiday shall be responsible for securely locking any doors that may have been opened for entry.

1.13 No Member or invitee shall go upon the roof of the building.

1.14 Members shall not suffer or permit smoking or carrying of lighted cigars or cigarettes in areas reasonably designated by Global Business Centers or by applicable governmental agencies as non-smoking areas. 

1.15 The premises shall not be used for lodging, manufacturing, or food preparation/cooking.

1.16 Members assume all risk from theft or vandalism and agree to keep its premises locked as may be required or desired.

Meeting Spaces and Reservations

2.1 Prior approval from management is required for meetings that will exceed the maximum occupancy. 

2.2 Meeting rooms must be left in the same condition as found, otherwise a cleaning fee of $100.00–$200.00 will be charged to your account, and in extreme cases your access to our meeting rooms will be revoked on either a temporary or permanent basis.

2.3 A cancellation notice for all reservations must be provided 24 hours in advance for reservations during regular operating hours and 48 hours for after hours reservations.  Notice should be given by phone or email.  If you fail to notify us of your cancellation your account will be charged on the next billing cycle for the full cost of your reservation.

2.4 Extended hour requests for meeting rooms must be made at least a week in advance and are subject to staff availability and/or an additional deposit.

2.5 Extended hour requests made within a week are subject to an additional $100.00 fee.

2.6 When a conference room is used for filming or any other unconventional use (as determined by management) a valid liability insurance certificate and a deposit of $1,000 is required


3.1 Guests are subject to the same rules and policies, and members are responsible for ensuring that their guests are aware of the such, and accept responsibility for any fees or charges their guests may incur (including but not limited to cleaning fees and copier usage)

Payment and Notice

4.1 All downgrade and cancellations require 30-day advanced notice

4.2 Accounts are considered Past-due if not paid by the 10th of each month

4.2.1 Past-due accounts are subject to a late fee equal to 10.00% of Past-due balance

4.3 Accounts are considered Delinquent if not paid within 30 days

4.3.1 Delinquent accounts are subject to interest of 10.00% per annum 

4.4 No further check payments are allowed after three checks have been returned and returned checks are subject to the following fees:

4.4.1 First returned check - $35.00 (one-time fee) + late fee (if applicable)

4.4.2 Second returned check – $70.00 (one-time fee) + late fee (if applicable)

4.4.3 Third returned check – $100.00 (one-time fee) + late fee (if applicable)

Additional Fees and Charges

5.1 Change of company name – $25.00 (one-time fee)

5.2 Change of transfer number – $10.00 (one-time fee)

5.3 Voicemail password reset – $10.00 (one-time fee)

5.4 Secretarial services – $30.00/hour

5.5 Copier usage charges:

5.5.1 Black and white copies/prints – $0.12/page (letter), $0.15/page (legal)

5.5.2 Color copies/prints – $0.25/page (letter), $0.28/page (legal)

5.5.3 Scans – $0.25/scan

5.5.4 Faxes – $1.00/page

5.6 Reactivation fee for accounts interrupted due to nonpayment - $45.00